Saturday, September 23, 2006

New rule:100% voter turnout in Indian Election

Our Indian Voting system has undergone so many changes from paper ballot to electronic voting machine(EVM) but the percentage of voters has not significant change.0ften most of the people tend to boycott polls . the elected canditates are chosen by some percentage of total population.

The lowest voter turnout in a polling station is three! It happened in Bomdila district in Arunachal Pradesh!"To avoid a shame like this,there is a way to get 100%voter percentage in Indian Election.

I suggest to introduce an Act in which "Make Voting compulsory" for all the citizens.People who have not voted cannot use their ration cards,driving licence for that matter any documents which were issued by the Government of India for the 5years tenure.

This act wont be imposed on physically and mentally challenged people,Patients suffering from Life threating disease and old age people of more than 65 yrs.

There may be an famous comment that "Politicians are not good,so we dont want to vote".For this purpose n all EVM's there would be an option of "NOT INTERESTED".

So this new act,will make our people an good citizen and would bring new dynamics to Indian Politics.I would like to hear your comments on this issue.


Arvind Natarajan said...

good suggestion.fwd it to the proper authorities.u may get a +ve response if they like ur idea.

Harish Anand r said...

very good reponse

Unknown said...

thats a good thought.. but according to me its mostly the educated mass who dont vote... and there should be system where there should be some kind of penalty or punishment... even to the extent of cancelling their family card for some period of time(might be too hard...

and also there should be a system of people voting by post (for those who are not in their constiuency temprorily...

but all these would have many practical aspects to look in...
Lets see what happens... better what we can do is to ask our friends and people to perform their duty!

Sundararaman said...

hope such a thing comes into existence ...!

Tajakabar said...

First thing tat Indian Voters need is an integrated system where... there are no delays of death n dual voting rites to be tracked...untill unless tracking n control is not there the Indian Public is there to take an advantage to their disadvantage..

Here one of my fren says illitrate people vote more n not the Educated...but here the question arises do they have the capability to vote the rite guy... I can bet here 50% of the Illitrate vote for money.....n food..... n coming to educated ppl its really pathetic no. r really interested becos.... where is the rite politician in the system itself.....around 10-20% of the voters will b busy in conducting elections...govt. employees n all.....who really hav the right to what I wuld suggest is a system where only the ppl who "PAY TAX" should be allowed to vote as they r the ppl who toil n fill the treasuries of the govt. n every one else enjys on tat..every one knos its the Politicians...

wizvasu said...

Bang on dude... C'on lets make it true.. well ets spread tis messae all thru India..

elv said...

good move!go ahead